As mentioned in the Introduction to the Blog, Peerless grew up in South Philly. People like to romanticize South Philly as being a place of tough people who all fit the Rocky Balboa Underdog stereotype. While generally this vision is correct because people from there (including myself) are not exactly going to just give in and let "the man" screw us, there really are a bunch of Local Village Idiots residing on Passyunk Ave.
An awesome story was once told to Peerless by someone who we shall refer to as an "Uncle" of his Family. Basically, the "Uncle" was telling Peerless that all the idiots on the planet are located in the vicinity of 8th and Tasker Streets in S Philly.
One day, the "Uncle" walks into a bar there and proceeds to listen to 2 gentlemen discussing the Bridge they are building from the United States to England. The funniest part about this discussion was that the 2 guys were arguing about whether the Bridge was going to be a Suspension or a Pontoon Bridge. In other words, it was already assumed it was possible to build a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean but the real debate was what type of structure they would build.
The scary thing about this discussion is that while it was assumed a Bridge would be built, the 2 guys probably couldn't locate France or Germany on a map.